One of the most beneficial at-home strategies to reduce the spread of airborne droplets is the use of potent anti-viral essential oils. Genuine essential oils are specialized plant extracts. The …

Essential Oils Provide Strong Anti-Viral and Immune Strengthening Support
Updated Policies and Procedures for Re-opening June 2020
The following procedures are a requirement of the Maryland Department of Health in order for our clinic to resume operations at this time. Additionally, these procedural requirements help us to …
Your At-Home Chinese Herbal Medicine Cabinet for Immune Health
While targeted treatment of specific health conditions requires a differential diagnostic approach to recommending herbal remedies for individual, there are several gentle, general-use Chinese herbal formulas that can be “on-hand” …
Which Eucalyptus is Right for You?
We’ve all heard of and seen the evidence that high quality eucalyptus essential oil is effective in warding off winter colds and flu. That’s because of the plant’s amazingly strong …

Essential Oils for Respiratory Health
With cold and flu viruses rampant, now is the time to strengthen and repair your respiratory system – your body’s first line of defense against invading pathogens. Utilizing essential oils …
Experience the Therapeutic Benefit of Smell
Though many might just think of essential oils as carriers of “pretty scents”, empirical evidence shows their therapeutic and medicinal effect. Essential oils have a direct, measurable effect on the …
Autumn: The Season of Metal
In Chinese Five Element Medical Theory, September marks the transition into the Metal element. Gone are the muggy days of Late Summer, replaced by the crisp, clean air of Fall. …