


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 7pm by Appointment

Kunlun Mountain Acupuncture Inc.
1730 West Street, Suite 107

Annapolis, Maryland 21401


Best Annapolis Acupuncture Logo

Scheduling an Appointment:

Use our online scheduling tool to book your appointment anytime up to 24 hours before your desired appointment time. 

Online scheduling

Having difficulty with our Schedulicity tool? Call or email us.

Please email us if you need assistance with scheduling your next appointment:

Need an emergency or last minute appointment?

Follow our Facebook page to see last minute appointment availability with your practitioners.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Tracy Soltesz, DAc

Annapolis Location:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays: 9:30am thru 1:30pm

Catonsville Location:
Mondays: 1:00pm thru 6:00pm

Camilla Schwarz, MAc

Annapolis Location:
Tuesdays: 2pm thru 5:00pm
Thursdays: 10:00am thru 2:00pm

Adele Muir, MAc

Annapolis Location:
Mondays: 10:00am thru 3:00pm
Tuesdays: 1:00pm thru 5:00pm
Wednesdays: 11:30am thru 6:00pm
Thursdays: 2:00pm thru 6:00pm

Online scheduling


Appointments are limited during the pandemic. We kindly ask you to cancel or reschedule your appointment at no charge by notifying us via email no later than the close of business the day prior to your appointment.

As a courtesy to your practitioner and other patients on the appointment wait list, cancellation policies will be strictly enforced at this time.

Same day cancellations and no-shows will be charged a $50 late cancel fee. Patients who arrive for their appointment without a state mandated face covering will have their appointment cancelled and charged a $50 late cancel fee.

It is important to cancel your appointment if you have signs of infectious disease or have been in contact with COVID-19 positive or suspected positive patient. No cancellation fee is charged for appointments cancelled due to illness.

We value your time and thank you for showing us the same courtesy.

Connect with Us!

For great health tips, up to date info on happenings at KMA, and last minute super deals and giveaways – stay connected with our social media sites. Kunlun Mountain Acupuncture can be found on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.